Friday 26 May 2023

kingdom come (so much the worse)

'halving inflation this year... is the quickest way to put the money back in people's pockets.'  - jeremy hunt, chancellor.

except it isn't jeremy (say my name, say my name). because as long as inflation isn't zero (or negative) things are still getting more expensive and (unless people are having wage rises) this will leave them with less money in their pockets.

'the  computer age demands an enlightenment on steroids in which progress is propelled not by a small clique of scientists and technologists but by the mass creativity of the entire workforce.' - sherelle jacobs goes all hardt and negri  in the daily torygraph. but as we know, as even oscar wide (of all people) noted, capitalism doesn't want the intellect of the workers (not really). it just wants their work. 

people argue this has changed. so much the worse. precisely where that border is is a matter for negotiation. 

the torygraph also notes that skyscrapers stand empty as new york works from home and introduces us to the concept of zombie buildings rendered barely function because of vacancy rates.

bookpilled has made it to mexico and is reading ballard. horsemouth has just started on some late ballard (kingdom come) - which goes well so far. yesterday blok was at the uffizi gallery (in 1909) and it was marshall allen's 99th birthday (this year).

. the internet is being a bit buggy out here (that never happens at home). 

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