Wednesday 3 May 2023

'time itself has been reversed for us' (a problem of chronology )

last night horsemouth reached the end of the devil rides out which he has been watching on a similar timeline as the movie - except that this presents a problem of chronology.

the film's relationship to time is linear and not linear - it begins april 29th with rex van ryn's plane landing and ends on the morning of may 2nd with everyone reunited in the living room - except that this time tanith is with them. 

in an earlier ending she had died and the daughter had been kidnapped by mocata. the rescue of the daughter requires the pronouncing of a particularly efficacious sutra (it is the second pronouncing of this in the movie - previously it had been used to repel the angel of death) here it returns our band of friends to the living room on the morning of may 2nd. 

'time itself has been reversed for us'  remarks the duc de richleau in wonder. 

it is a bright beautiful morning. the day will no doubt warm up but at the moment it is a bit cold. 

horsemouth has mostly been reading the arianna huffingtton book on picasso which is frankly a bit dull - picasso has a bleak pessimistic black metal view of the world, he treats the women in his life badly (in the age of me too he would probably have ended up painting in jail) and he is getting old and the few people he does love (or who genuinely love him) are dying off. 

and despite all this it is dull. (being a minotaur is very boring).

horsemouth has stuff to do today (well this afternoon). 

in 1909 blok is in venice, in the paris of 1871 the commune hasn't fallen, in 1872 edmond de goncourt is meeting flaubert.

'the older flaubert gets the more provincial he becomes... he has no tastes to indulge, never buys anything... in fact the only idea he has had so far is to use jam-jars as flower vases.' 

in this flaubert is like a modern slow-living minimalist. 

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