Saturday 13 May 2023

up on the common (early to mid may 2023)

up on the top of the common 

looking over towards the skirrid

and down towards the deserted church in the dulas valley

behind that the black hills

in front of me the skirrid 

behind me the ponies

to my right the cowshed

to my left the road to hereford

and, coming up the hill, someone going for a walk

he has gone around me clockwise in a matter of minutes 

he is making a circuit

the bench is new and metal framed

behind me the old bench


tonight. probably zoom beers with howard. 

right now. his mum is up and the dog is barking enthusiastically. it is a grey morning so far. horsemouth doesn't think there are any great plans. his mum got on with the washing while there was sunshine (fortunately). there's a nip on the air still (but it is warm enough).

at some point there will be a mission to go and keep the ancestors' graves clean. 

it is blok's last day in ravenna. horsemouth will endeavour to do the reading so he can tell you something about it. next week blok is in florence (another major city in his italian poems). 

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