Tuesday 6 June 2023

horsemouth has been out in the wilds for a month (3 above 3 below)

 31/5 golden glow 5

sitting (well lying here) istening to this now. 

6/03 golden glow 2 transferred to 21/06 

the summer solstice golden glow festival

24/10 golden glow 3 transferred to 12/07

horsemouth is distributing his and howard's golden glows around the summer solstice the way the 3 clustered round the winter solstice are distributed. 3 above 3 below like a hexagram in the i ching.  he's not sure how you would read these hexagrams (he will give it some thought).  

horsemouth has been out in the wilds for a month. 

today he will be doing some more travelling to appointments. it is the 10th anniversary of the one of jim bermingham's open mic nights that horsemouth played.

last night, following a discussion of ULEZ and 15 minute cities horsemouth watched a number of videos (well one) on the topic. true the well meaning cycling campaigners lean heavily into the depopulated new york streets of the pandemic in a way unlikely to reassure people. the measures on offer divide up between the punitive - charge people to use their cars, and the facilitative - just build more cycle lanes and pedestrianise more streets. horsemouth's informant (from the anti-ULEZ side ) said it was about 'freedom' . 

of course the burden of ULEZ type measures falls mainly on the poor (the poor who are rich enough to own or rent cars granted, but the poor nonetheless). the rich can simply afford to pay. 

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