Wednesday 28 June 2023

horsemouth is out in the wilds (again)

horsemouth is out in the wilds (again). he's just been down to unlock the abbey with his mum (it  is horsemouth's parents' turn on the abbey rota). they will go down this evening to lock it back up. 

and then horsemouth will be fully trained. (it will give him something to do for the next week). 

the mccormick blues archive is being exhibited by the national museum of american history in washington dc.

'the display also provides a unique behind-the-scenes look at this collection, revealing troubling revelations discovered within the archive, including letters from musicians’ family members asking mccormick to return photographs they had lent him. visitors will learn about the smithsonian’s current ethical returns policy and the museum’s ongoing work to identify surviving family members and return heirlooms...'

here is the knot of the problem. it is the blues collectors and the the english blues revival bands who effectively save the blues, so that we know something of it and of the people who made it, but it is not theirs to save. 

bookpilled is in mexico city and has raided under the volcano an english language bookstore. he's found a copy of brian aldiss's frankenstein unbound (in, as outlaw bookseller would say, the pan lozenge format) and ubik (by philip k.dick). the second half of it is browsing porn (where our POV takes books from out of the racks). 

the john bayley/ iris murdoch goes well. we are into memories of iris's (and john's) careers as writers. they meet george lichteim who takes iris to task for her drinking (in an avuncular manner). 

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