Saturday 24 June 2023

it's exactly what I expected (but it's still a disappointment)

like a cross between focus and deep purple but more jazz than either. that's some singer. not what horsemouth was expecting. (it's exactly what I expected (but it's still a disappointment) would probably be a good album title for MAN). 

horsemouth is back in the seaside towns for a brief visit he thinks (he will know more monday). don't worry he will be back again at various points over the summer. the BBC says it' an off on cloudy day but warm (27C). at the moment it doesn't look like that - it is grey and cool. horsemouth has his coffee. as he walked back from a failed shopping mission he bumped into TG and a friend (and later another friend) up the park near his. (such are the joys of the seaside towns). 

as the alzheimer's took hold, at a talk iris murdoch was giving in oxford about her work, instead of discussing her novels she stood up and began to sing an elizabethan madrigal by orlando gibbons  the silver swan. horsemouth is reading her husband john bayley's iris and the friends: a year of memories. they are mostly his memories - iris is gone. horsemouth found a solo singer version (rather than the 4 part arrangement). he also looked up versions of let all mortal flesh keep silence (which he has covered). he was relieved to hear he'd got the tune right (basically). 

during the second world war iris worked at the treasury on the complex problem of notional promotion in absentia - that people who went away to war should not be disadvantaged in terms of promotion when they returned to their peacetime occupations.  there is (of course) a movie (judi dench, jim broadbent).  they do physical resemble the couple, you can see it.  

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