Wednesday 12 July 2023

dark mountain (smashed vases repaired with gold)

so they call themselves doomers (actually the call themselves doomsters which isn't half a s good).

and paul kingsnorth (of whom you may have heard) has published a manifesto called dark mountain. he at least has some style. 

generally they think what horsemouth thinks - that capitalism is doomed. (actually no he doesn't think that - he thinks that capitalism will survive every crisis it's just the people that won't).  

horsemouth  is worried about this because he is about to argue for the taking on of debt (and why would you do that if capitalism is doomed?/ why wouldn't you do it?). 

jem bendell has retreated to indonesia - he has moved from deep adaptation (something can be done about climate crisis but it will have to be big and deep) to climate crisis will cause the collapse of western society, capitalism etc. (because nothing has been done  - that's just a given - we are doomed and all that remains is to plan for the after). 

their after is the same-old same-old grow your own food, establish a new currency etc. government and capitalism will crumble from above (and crumble quickly) while we will rise up from below. it is kind of rerun of survivors (again) - people are taking refuge in the tasks they like to do from the full horror of the situation. (things which, to be fair, is one of the things they point out that people tend to do). 

they show us pictures of smashed vases that have been repaired with gold. 

where horsemouth thinks they are right is that the eco-modernism of technology based solutions to climate change will not work. that net zero  will not work - that it will inevitably be partial, too late and too slow (given the countervailing need of capitalism to turn a profit). and that the focus on CO2 levels catches only part of the problem. they cite economist william stanley jevons and the  jevons paradox - that more efficient forms of  technology do not supplant earlier forms but are added to them, that increases in energy production efficiency leads to more, not less, consumption. 

so what about horsemouth's own efforts at net zero? well he'll have to see.

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