Wednesday 2 August 2023

films, gigs, books, events july 2023


- i vampiri (1957) co-directed by mario bava
- the mad executioners (1963)
- bookpilled/ thrift-a-life live from mexico, spain speaks live from madrid and portugal, novara media (lots)
- the sixth commandment (TV)
- a daniel lewis philby, burgess, maclean thing (TV)
- a.n.other 'queen elizabeth - the early years' thing (TV)
- a youngster reviews lampedusa's the professor and the siren
- jem bendell in retreat in indonesia (ecological doomers)
- throwing shade robbie basho special (again)
- iris murdoch interviewed (paris review interview series)
- various tommy bolin clips
- betty wright 'shoorah! shoorah!', lata mangeshkar 'lag ja gale' elgar 'nimrod'.
- london journals (james boswell), kilvert's diaries (william plomer ed. and intro), the diaries of franz kafka (ed. max brod, paul klee cover)
- paris review article on kafka's diaries
- summertime (j.m. coetzee) begins with journal entries
- the rubiayat of omar khayyam (fitzgerald 'translation')
- essay 'rereading jacques attali's bruits' (eric drott, 2015, critical inquiry) and subsequently horsemouth's piece on attali 'lost in translation' (metamute, 9 September 2004)
- the seductions of declinism by william davies, LRB in 2022
- brief investigation of martin wong
- a little of terry eagleton's introduction to pierre macherey's theory of literary production.
- NLR 142 such as is free, NLR sidecar and LRB blogs and podcasts as noted.
- quietus magazine the releases of the year so far.
- philip leider (how I spent my summer holidays - artforum1970)
- suffragette fascists: emmeline pankhurst and her right-wing followers (simon webb) reviews and introduction (don't buy it)
- the revolution is inside by lawrence kumpf and magnus nygren
- on don and moki cherry's collaborations, from blank forms 06: organic music societies.
gigs none (fail to go to triple negative gig)

death of my father after a short illness, spanish elections, islamic new year, everything is going to be alright day, two sevens clash, catsitting in walthamstow, death of jane birkin, anniversaries of various french pharoah sanders' gigs, horsemouth opens up and closes the abbey, anniversary of horsemouth's gig at the beehive 2017.

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