Wednesday 16 August 2023

food is out!

horsemouth is up slightly later than usual with this killer set of drum loops from meat beat manifesto. 

the dog seems a bit better (touch wood). she went after a ball horsemouth threw (for which he instantly felt regret because her back hips don't look too stable). she displayed some interest in her food. yesterday evening he thinks they successfully got her to eat an antibiotic tablet and she ate some food and there was the antibiotic injection the day before yesterday.

tomorrow they take the dog in for an ultrasound scan - what it is to live in a country so rich it can afford medical treatment for its pets - this requires anaesthetising the dog (about which horsemouth worries, she is 14, she is an old lady). hopefully she will continue to show some improvement and this will become just a health scare. 

horsemouth was up at about 5.30am with a headache (quite why he has no idea). he got some paracetamol and them went back to bed (eventually getting up at 8am). 

yesterday a walk on the common and 5 minutes on the exercise bike.  horsemouth and his mum went into ewyas harold to get some bread and the meat order (no meat for horsemouth you understand). he became interested in the obelisk outside the john kemble catholic church - he will do a feature on it on kemble's saint's day (august 22nd).

horsemouth and his mum  have gotten into the habit of watching the 10pm news together (because there's little worth watching on terrestrial tv before that). his dad used to watch loads of portillo's ralway journeys type stuff. 

breakfast done. a beautiful sunny day. probably a wander up on the common next (using his dad's old walking boots).  horsemouth has some puffer jackets that were his dad's (but that his dad never wore preferring not to get them dirty while gardening).  he will probably give those away - they are a bit big for him and not really his style. at the moment he feels negatively towards the clothing his dad actually wore (it will probably have to go to a charity shop). 

torygraph reading report. 12th aug. money section.  a 'doing your rental property up to EPC C' make over column and a column on how property might not be as profitable as people think it is because estimates are very poor of how much people spend on doing up properties (and how much this increases the value of the property). at the next level of abstraction - times are hard it is necessary to raid the value tied up in your new kitchen units. 

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