Friday 25 August 2023

on preserving the chronological order and the logical development of the discourse (which are of course identical)

'l’ordine cronologico è tanto importante quanto lo sviluppo logico di tutto il discorso. si può pretendere anzi che sia una cosa sola.' in italian here.

'the chronological order is as important as the logical development of the entire discourse. in fact, one could argue that they are one and the same.' - mario tronti to the publisher giulio einaudi, rome, 16th january 1966.

in tronti's un messaggio dell’imperatore, (in dello spirito libero: frammenti di vita e pensiero, rome 2015).we have an extended metaphor lifted from kafka - the emperor sends a message, but despite great strength and speed of travel his messenger has difficulty getting out of the royal palace even. it's all very derridean - what is the moment of foundation? when can the message be said to have been delivered?  

later this is paralleled by lenin's arrival in st. petersberg and reading of the april theses - but these are not met with the approval that we would expect now that they have become communist orthodoxy and the way in which the history of the time is understood. 

'lenin’s speech was attacked from all sides, only kollontai speaking in support of it'

of course that the logical development of the entire discourse and that its chronological order should be preserved is a very althusserian requirement (it is very of the time, very for marx er. if not very reading capital (first edition versus second edition)). and it is precisely  this that doesn't inspire one to confidence that anything can be made of it. 

during a youtube video on philip k. dick horsemouth became interested in jung's notion of synchronicity which (to him) now more resembled althusser's understanding of previous events than the orthodox freudian interpretation. 

these are the kind of semi-literary witterings horsemouth indulges in. or indeed old marxists indulge in after the collapse of the east and the end of history as they mourn 'the end' of the great project and claim that its ruins are in fact a garden.

there were clear skies overnight and this has made it a coldish morning (barely in double figures). his mum is up early - the sink has been blocking up, the fluorescent light in the back kitchen is on the blink. horsemouth is not a very practical person (unlike his father) and gladly cedes working out how to solve these problems. 

horsemouth can solve problems and do things. it is just that to do that he must defend a space where he is allowed to work. if he is not allowed this he becomes anxious and frustrated and can do nothing. 

yesterday horsemouth had a full-blown toys-out-the-pram meltdown. it has been a long difficult time and one not crowned with the glory of being the helpful son but instead crowned with the death of his father. he has been being sensible and calm for a long time and now he simply wishes to get to the end of it. 

today they go to get the ashes of his father from the funeral home, pay and say goodbye to the funeral home people and bring home his father's ashes. then they are on to the next stage of it. 

the derridean argument (in spectres of marx) is one derived freud's views on the necessity for proper mourning. at one time horsemouth had a whole gimcrack apparatus assembled out of derrida, althusser and marx and claimed to understand it. perhaps if he does his reading he could once again be in a position to understand it. 

while horsemouth has been typing this his mum has been out cleaning out the chicken shed. in a bit breakfast.  

his 'zoom' meeting yesterday? it was about entering flats that the communal endeavour owns (that are not up to EPC C) into the social housing decarbonisation fund to get them up to EPC C. horsemouth had assumed that all the flats (being 'modern') would be up to EPC C. not a bit of it.


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