Sunday 17 September 2023

'a moment of time captured on paper'

horsemouth is writing these lines on the evening of the saturday (because he can).

howard has been. they sank a bottle of beer each and listened to music - mostly the tunes you will find here on horsemouth's blogspot. howard read a little of one of horsemouth's blogs. horsemouth sent him off with a number of paul bowles' books after the topic turned to moroccan music. 

tomorrow (as it appears now), today (when you read this), is when it will all change. 

thunderstorms and rain from early afternoon and pretty much persisting all week (jesus) and that's just down here in the seaside towns, up in herefordshire it starts earlier and there are yellow warnings for flooding on the sunday (the today/ tomorrow mentioned above). 

horsemouth will try and get his walk in early today/ tomorrow. he's due to be meeting enza monday - looks like the weather may not hold for a park walk. john is arriving monday as well. 

outlaw bookseller has been out and about and has been watching the 1970ies survivors (he's to over-awed by the scenery to say much about it though, maybe another time).

dammit. things have just got complicated with the return to herefordshire. damn drat and blast it. it looks like horsemouth will have to head back earlier than he planned. 

it's sunday morning. horsemouth is up he has his coffee. it's a grey overcast morning.

horsemouth has finished reading jad adams madder music, stronger wine. in its concluding pages he juxtaposes the decadents against the horrors about to be released by the first world war. he frames them as if they were the last poets,  as if they were aware of what was to come. above the uk hip-hoppers of the 2000s write and recite. 

'a moment of time captured on paper' says one (like joan didion). a photo from an earlier visit is getting lots  of likes. 

today some wandering round and tidying up. 

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