Tuesday 19 September 2023

did you like the music? (an ornithological theme)

john (fromporto) is visiting - he arrived fourish and they talked (up in the living room).  as john notes the hazel tree outside the front window is doing well. 

then horsemouth went off to enza's for six thirty.

they went for a walk round the park and then enza fed him (a lentil pesto and pasta sort of thing) and they listened to music. 

there was an ornithological theme at one point.

enza had started it with british sea power's the great skua, horsemouth had continued it with lankum's  hunting the wren (lots of lankum) and  with mike and lal waterson's fine horseman ('fine fine sparrow'). 

there was (to end out) a diversion into aphrodite's child's the four horsemen and lena platonos's the witches. there was a discussion of how incomprehensible greek was. it was a work night so horsemouth headed off early.

john was out meeting up with myk and steve. 

because horsemouth was out enjoying himself he can't tell you anything about laura K's documentary on how the government of boris johnson coped with covid. 

a boxed set is coming out of pharoah sanders' harvest time featuring two previously unreleased live versions of that song (and a lyric video for love will find a way - thank you luaka bop). as aquarium drunkard say in their review 'it’s rare to hear the universe at work, and rarer still to get it on tape'. it does at least clear up two questions horsemouth had - who is bedria sanders? (pharoah's wife), who is edith johnson? (pharoah's aunt).

today some dodging of the rain and some walking around (probably). it's a grey morning and not warm. 

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