Monday 4 September 2023

drac's back

horsemouth wakes up. he slept well.

he is back in his bed in his shady basement flat in sunny hackney. 

in his absence his room had filled up with flies. he slept with the window open at night and they are mostly gone. 

once he had got home (walking back over from hackney downs) he had a quick chat with ian and then headed up london fields on the off chance (sunday, bright sunny day) that there was someone about. 

hackney was beautiful in the sunshine (as were the people). 

there he bumped into stipey paul, lisa, and lise and sat around drinking and chatting. horsemouth wasn't into discussing anything deep and heavy and so he rolled the discussion in the direction of zoltan hound of dracula and race with the devil  - the two classic, have motor home will have shocking horror experience movies. 

horsemouth had two whitstable bays and then wandered home. some indian dudes had over-catered their party so there was some free food (thanks dudes). pretty much as soon as it went dark he headed off to bed (getting up at 11pm for a shower). 

it's a greyish and cool morning. the bbc weather shows blazing sunshine all day and all week (and possibly immobilising hot temperatures - he sees a 31C in there). sunrises from a quarter past six, sunsets ending at a quarter to eight. we roll in the direction of the equinox. 

he checked the colenso road book box on the way over to london fields (nothing special).

it is a monday morning and most of horsemouth's friends will be off to work. friday a birthday party in the park. horsemouth will endeavour to get in as many visits to friends as he can in the coming few weeks. 

p.s. he's had a quick look but can't tell if his sphere girl with the golden eyes edition is the dowson translation. 

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