Friday 29 September 2023

'na - immer schleppen' (harvest moon)

morning! morning! horsemouth bounds out to greet you like a dog. (we know we said he was a mule).

horsemouth is up and the sun has not yet made it over the hill opposite. 

the visit to TESCOs yesterday went well. the plan is to stock up more and thus reduce the number of visits. similarly the plan is to buy more in TESCOs where it is cheap and (regretably) buy less at the local shops where it is more expensive. horsemouth would (of course) drag his mum over to ALDIs in search of even better bargains but it is the other side of town wheras TESCOs is this side of town  out near the ring road (or would be if hereford had a ring road).  

horsemouth did some researches on the heating oil situation. he believes he has found a company who supplied his parents before (so - he assumes - they will have a lot of useful information). he needs to know what sized tanker they can get up the drive, how big the family tank is (2000L horsemouth estimates and his mum seems to remember) he has got an initial quote and will follow it up with a phonecall today. 

at the moment horsemouth's plan is just to stealth it through the winter.  he plans to get enough to survive the winter and then refuel again in summer when it is cheaper (if it is cheaper).

ok the sun is cresting the hill opposite we are going into full golden glow. horsemouth will  nip downstairs for a second round of coffee (he has it).

horsemouth has gone all german on you because a) triple negative have a test copy of matthew's book (and anya is german) and b) he started reading peter paul fuchs book on the music theatre of walter felsenstein (which is east berlin set). 'na - immer schleppen' is sort of 'heavy load there!'.  it is harvest moon tonight - horsemouth is tempted to play you the blue oyster cult song about it (he probably will tomorrow now).

elsewhere horsemouth read a guardian interview where over 50ies report favourably on retiring early/ going part time. 

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