Monday 25 September 2023

out at sea the sun glints on the disused windfarms (water purification ritual #1)

horsemouth has posted a picture of himself amid the ruins of net zero - giant dangerous beasts stalk the land and out at sea the sun glints on the disused windfarms and sunken freighters. horsemouth worries about the scale of the transition, that's cost on a pharoah-beating world historic scale, and he worries about the lack of political will to see it through. 

deep down horsemouth is a technocratic managerialist.

are the novara media lot really just technocratic managerialists? or have they just taken the net zero pill? has the government actually taken the net zero pill (or are they just holding it under their tongue).

here in the countryside the great thermonuclear furnace is ascending into the skies, lighting all, irradiating all, powering all. we pass into autumn soon, and  soon the equilux (though horsemouth is not sure quite when). 

horsemouth has a spy and his spy has been out and about. (cue spy theme music)

what did the spy tell him? well nothing that he didn't know already.  it's a long way away and the  people's  negativity is a correct reading of the situation they are in (and at some point they will realise this). horsemouth wrote some emails full of the pessimism he feels but then he wrote a positive appreciative email focusing on what could be done. 

some sample dialogues; 

- where were you before you moved here? I asked. 

- in the communal endeavour. she answered. 

- oh. I said. (it's like bloody alan bennett out there!)

horsemouth is in a gap in the kafka diaries. 

he has been reading the WIRE special on don (and moki) cherry. don sound-tracked a number of low-budget films (the song above is used in a sequence from barbara mccullough's 1979 water purification ritual #1, horsemouth will try to find more of them.  this version of the album shows don in front of the watts towers (perhaps the most famous bit of outsider art ever). 

horsemouth did pick up the guitar yesterday and he also went to sleep looking forward to typing this today.  he made no progress with his reading. he watched the second part of laura K's trilogy on the tory years. 

in the day he spent a little time digging (though quite why he is not sure) and tidied out the greenhouse a bit (there may still be more tomatoes to come).  at some point in the afternoon he will ask his mum about the apple and pear trees and when a good time to pick these fruit is. 

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