Sunday 22 October 2023

folkways NTS day starts at 11am

it is folkways NTS day. the day when smithsonian folkways and NTS radio join forces to bring us a (sun)day of folk music and americana.starting at 11am on NTS 2 and finishing at 11pm. 

and in other radio news the return of kennedy fisher (the temptation is just to binge listen it). 

yesterday no zoom beers with howard 

(howard was too knackered. instead he was off to see jackie to be fed.) 

instead horsemouth read. he made progress with the luis bunuel. he is in paris (it is 1925)  and is bumping around the lower echelons of the french film industry. he's a fan of pabst and lang. soon he will start to do the thing he is famous for.  

please let it be true

horsemouth has heard a rumour that jeremy hunt will retire as an MP before the next election. he doesn't fancy spending the twilight years of his life in opposition. good riddance to bad rubbish. (horsemouth does so hope it's true. please let it be true. let us get shot of the hammer of the nurses.).

the only person horsemouth feels sorry for in this scenario is merv who has a great song about jeremy - but there you go, it's probably a tribute to merv's song that it has destroyed hunt's career so effectively. 

so what have the tories learned from their recent by-election defeats? apparently nothing.  rishi rich is contemplating tax cuts for the high earners - may as well get the bribe in before you are out of office. sadly (for rishi) there aren't enough high earners to really make a difference. 

horsemouth's mum is up and out and unleashing the chickens. yesterday horsemouth saw four rabbits frolicking on the hill. 

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