Thursday 12 October 2023

'in the beginning the universe was created...' (hereford before the rains)

yesterday there was a quick visit to hereford (before it rained). 

horsemouth made book purchases

one was the history of the runestaff (michael moorcock) one squid.

the bbc were talking about filming it but then brexit happened and it seemed impolitic to remind british people about the existence of europe. 

now don't get horsemouth wrong he's perfectly happy to have the brits represented as evil animal mask wearing psychopaths in the grip of national psychosis... he just thinks the timing might have been a bit sensitive, but by 2019 it was already very sensitive, he guesses a remainer at the beeb bought the rights just to piss off the daily mail.

sample headlines; 'granbretan on the licence fee! remainer propaganda that portrays britons as rats!'

a friend remarked that it was a bit 'offbrand'  to imagine the brits wearing masks and horsemouth agreed 'obviously britons never shall be slaves and thus would never wear masks'.

his friend thought the beeb 'only secured the rights to prevent anyone else from filming them'.

today it is rainy and grey and the news on the TV is pure carnage. horsemouth is trying to avoid discussing it. 

he watched a little of an interview with melanie phillips. (he doesn't know if you can see it but there's a link anyway). 

this is a very interesting argument she is making (with which horsemouth doesn't agree). he finds it difficult to identify with a claim to a piece of land based on the existence of the existence of a kingdom (in this case of israel and judah) in the 9th century BCE (before the christian era). 

even given the matrilineal nature of descent horsemouth finds the idea that an existence of a kingdom 3000 years ago then grants the right to the land now utterly insane (unless there's  divine assistance in which case who is horsemouth to argue). 

horsemouth asks the following questions. 

do the descendants of the people who were there before the 9th century (BCE) state of israel and judah not have a prior right to the territory? and if so why shouldn't their descendants have it? if your ancestors come from more than one 9th century BCE state which ones may you return to? how are the competing claims of the different groups of people who lived in a particular area at any time to be judged? 

the history between then (the 9th century BCE kingdom of israel and judah) and 'now' (the modern day state of israel) cannot simply be wished away and the 9th century kingdom and modern state cannot be made continuous except by an argument of great will. her argument functions by an exile from a homeland (israel and judah) which also (in her argument) did not happen (because there were always jews there i.e. there was continuous occupation). 

horsemouth thinks that view, hastily sketched out by her interlocutors at the start of the video and described by her as 'factually incorrect'  is in fact the correct one - that the state of israel is a 20th century project.  

anyway horsemouth's witterings won't save a single person from the carnage so please ignore them. 

at the top of the page the mahavishnu orchestra (remastered and perhaps slowed down and pitched down a tone and sounding the better for it).

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