Tuesday 3 October 2023

notice the sunflower (8 bears)

'the basic texture for this piece was taken from ravi shankar's "dhun in musra mund"... the guitar is tuned in the color blue, which is standard open G tuning with the 2nd and 4th strings dropped to a minor(!).'

so robbie basho describes his seal of the blue lotus (indicating that he has synaesthesia (he either naturally hears Gm as the colour 'blue' or perhaps he has consciously and deliberately trained himself to hear it in that fashion).  

horsemouth could initially  make no sense of these tuning instructions and he will have to try it with a guitar - to tune a guitar in open G to the minor (open G minor) would just require the tuning of the b or 2nd string down to a b flat (one step). you could take the 4th string (normally tuned d) down to a b flat also. perhaps this is what basho means, horsemouth will try it later on at a more decent hour.  

so anyway here is dhun in musra mund by ravi shankar so that you can compare it. 

HS2 (has it been cancelled yet?)

will the tories seriously attempt to sneak out of town leaving it uncancelled? (and then cancel it later?). and horsemouth thought he was avoidant. 

there probably are better things to spend the money on. it is difficult to see the economic benefits of having a high speed train running between birmingham and oak common (that well known business destination and transport hub).

meanwhile in the hereford microcosm the dreaded bypass has re-emerged. the beautiful schemes of national parks and relaunched railway stations have been quietly dropped. 

meanwhile at  the tory party conference itself  john crace writes of vultures circling rishi (while the living dead look on). true it looks like they will have had the conference and rishi will have derived no benefit from it, instead his opponents will be launched and be jockeying for position. (that cruella braverman - going to the states to 'think the unthinkable' and propose winding up the UN charter on the rights of refugees, smart move). 

yesterday horsemouth researched the buses (it looked (briefly) like they might have to get a bus back from ewyas harold while the car was being serviced (but in the end it turned out not to be necessary). 

the day before he had gone up onto the common and attempted to sit on as many of the benches on the south side of the common as he could find. the fussell, the john and joy stephens, the john gwynn, the sir peter venables (and his wife dr. ethel venables), and the ewyas harold summer fair committee bench (for the benches are dedicated). he had picked some damsons. 

we are into horsemouth's second week back in herefordshire. we are into octo-ber or 8 bears (one of the -embers even if it doesn't literally say so). horsemouth has injuncted himself to notice the sunflower - he brought it and its sibling back from the plant and produce sale at the village hall (lamentably unsold) and planted it in one of the flower pots. it has come up and even flowered (its sibling was uprooted by a storm). 

the sun itself is up. the day begins. 

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