Thursday 30 November 2023

in which horsemouth continues his review of 2023

'I can't write anymore. I've come up against the last boundary, before which I shall in all likelihood again sit down for years...' - franz kafka, diaries,  30th november 1914.

horsemouth has started writing his review of 2023. 

today he will publish his films watched, books read etc. list for november 2023. he has been re-reading his own diary entries for the year. he has (as usual) told you about his musical and cultural  endeavours first. but there is more to life than this. 

it was 'a year of changes'-  what was his 2023 about?

the first part of the year he thought it was a rerun of his retirement year (the one after his redundancy year). more  'do as you please...' 

but from 5th may he was back at his mum's  - dealing with his dad's diagnosis, treatment, death, cremation , putting effort into supporting his parents through this. in this he has failed, no one beats death, however he tried. 

for a while the whole of his writing exercise looked pointless. and yet here he is back at it. and he was back at it almost immediately because he enjoys it, he finds it a great solace even though he does not use it to discuss anything very important. 

ok so back to the false autobiography.  


the homestead has featured much less than it would have in a normal year (because he has not been there for 6 to 7 months of the year so consequently he gives less of a fuck about it). 

and the communal endeavour? 

horsemouth has tried to get the decarbonisation of the communal endeavour going but it has been at least delayed by events. this is less decarbonisation than mere insulation - thus lowering people's gas bills (until the cost goes up again) and thus reducing the amount of gas burned.  

at some point the cost of  gas will have gone up so much that people will be clamouring for air-source heat pumps and  er. no that is unlikely to happen. that is what would be required for full decarbonisation.  

the government target is an all EPC C communal endeavour by 2030 (because that's what the government claim they will be requiring by 2030). horsemouth is venal as fuck - he just wants to be warmer in winter and COP28 be buggered. 

he did at least get the communal endeavour to borrow money and to purchase more property.  all this is in process, it will house more people. and it will help stabilise the communal endeavour by enabling it to raise more money when it has a rent rise (thus enabling lower rent rises individually).  quite where the communal endeavour's finances will stabilise it is a bit difficult to predict accurately in advance but horsemouth expects to see it next year. 

this will determine how much money they have to chuck at decarbonising the communal endeavour each year (now that it looks like they will have to pay most of it themselves COP28 be buggered and the consortium having broken down). 

last night beautiful magical moonlight. this morning rainy and grey. 

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