Saturday 11 November 2023

it was a red sky in the morning

sun off to the south east on the horizon (low on the horizon). it was a red sky in the morning (it's cold).

inside the central heating has been on (this is good). 

horsemouth listened to an interview with dominic cummings from the states. once again dominic was right (the way he tells it anyway). horsemouth had forgotten that dominic spent time in russia when it was collapsing. 

since he's been gone there have been an unusual number of by-elections triggered by misconduct. 19  in this parliament alone. soon it will be that there isn't time to run the by-election before the general election and we had just better learn to put up with our bent MP. 

matt's time in mexico is up. he's back to san diego to see his family (and then probably off to asia). he debates spinning the travelogue stuff off onto a separate channel (because less people are interested in it). 

the thrifting stuff it is difficult to add to, he cannot be thrifting and travelling (but it is his main earner), the bookpilled and travelogue stuff he makes less on (they are essentially hobbies). anyway good luck. (ah there's a new bookpilled horsemouth hasn't seen). 

meanwhile outlaw bookseller has been out and about (in search of manuscripts from the late, great, and very grumpy, keith roberts). 

5 years ago horsemouth was playing the mighty water into beer/ acoustic anarchy (thanks to martin for inviting him). there's a photo - thanks zoe (but there are no recordings).  

horsemouth is a little uninspired he will go and get a coffee.  today possibly zoom beers with howard. 

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