Monday 4 December 2023

a minor kvetch here about not having a killer kafka quote lined up

'...  in the diary you find proof that in situations which today would seem unbearable, you lived, looked around, and wrote down observations...'  - franz kafka, diaries, 23rd december 1911.

horsemouth has spent some time today attempting to compile a summary of the year month by month but not mentioning what he was reading or watching (this is strange for him). (it's a bit odd - what else does he usually do in these blogs? what can he do if he doesn't do that?). 

p.s. he has seen a rabbit. that was good. he always worries that the myxomatosis is going to get them all (as it has done for rabbits ever since he was a kid). 

today zoom beers with howard (well one beer). a rainy day. he went for a walk in the drizzle and mist to sober up. 

horsemouth here adding the second of tarkovsky's illustrated martyrology (but in russian) headings. he apologises that it's not better shot. the previous one was the clipped from online, this one was photographed using his laptop camera). 

horsemouth has a martyrology (well a lives of the saints) he has jacobus de voragine's the golden legend. 

horsemouth did have a minor kvetch here about not having a killer kafka quote lined up but he has found such a quote (there was a little folding over in the corner of the page which horsemouth then investigated). and yet he worries if it is the right thing to deploy it. it's a bit positive, it looks upon the bright side and finds redemption there. now this is fine for any other writer (but not for kafka). there -  horsemouth has shortened it to make it less positive. more aphoristic. more enigmatic.  

in full it is an unusually positive kafka quote but by december 1914 kafka was well on his way to curing himself of this.

it's a grey morning (but not yet rainy). this is pure luck (almost 50-50). no particular tasks for the day that horsemouth can remember. he is keeping an eye out for the black kitten and for the rabbits of far hedge. what he mostly sees are the grey . squirrels of doom. the bird feeder is quiet. 

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