Sunday 10 December 2023

disappointed by the wilderness horsemouth is fleeing to society...(stop press)

14.41 saturday the 9th of december - horsemouth is back from a walk on the common (he only fell over  in the mud the once thanks for asking). 

mum has bought 25kgs of peanuts for the birdfeeder (and thus for the birds). (jays, crows, magpies etc.). horsemouth knows this he has just carried the sack out to the woodshed and poured the peanuts into a storage bin. in other bird food news there seems precious little holly with berries on it (but plenty of rosehips). 

today he returns to the wen. probably arriving mid to late afternoon. he has no particular plans for the monday. tuesday a walk. wednesday a meet up and a gig in the evening. 

horsemouth will take the kafka diaries with him - it has entries on the 13th, 14th and 15th. he has copied some of the more suggestive lines into his diary already (that reminds him he will have to get another diary - what with january 1st 2024 being a monday his current diary just stops dead on december 31st). and he will have to pick up some more books (raid the local book box, a run up to walthamstow probably, etc.). he will try and bring back some tins of non baked beans, some lentils, perhaps some coffee and fakemeat also. 

remind him to pick up various passwords and his financial documentation. 

ok bollocks to that. the best laid plans of mice etc. carnage out at paddling pool  makes getting his substitute out of town difficult and getting horsemouth back into town problematic. typical BR opined horsemouth (and then realised it was no longer BR).

the decision has been taken to gong it all off in the direction of wednesday. horsemouth will now be arriving wednesday peoples. he will attend a gig and then be free to meet and greet - thursday, friday, saturday, he may try stretching it out sunday. 

yesterday was the 44th anniversary of the 1st ever gig he went to hawkwind  on the live 79 tour. he thinks he has memories of the gig but he has no recollection of the support band (doll by doll) at all. 

in the title he is parodying a clip from goddard's le weekend - 'disappointed by society the young are fleeing to the wilderness...' 

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