Saturday 16 December 2023

'he's sad to say he must be on his way...'

horsemouth is sad to say he must be on his way. 

it's the thing with the buses and the phones.

his mobile is on the fritz (this makes phoning ahead and arranging to be picked up at the railway station , like he would usually do, difficult). that said there was broadband on the train the last time he tried it (so he may be able to message his brother  from his  laptop who may be able to receive it). failing that there may actually be a bus out of abergavenny (horsemouth has checked the timetables and there seem to be buses - but this is no actual guarantee). 

should he attempt to return on a sunday there would be no buses (so no fall back plan - his brother would not, perhaps, be around to move him). 

ok so far the plan is working. he's successfully on the train out of paddling pool and his brother has offered to pick him up at the other end. he will message him again when he's on the train out of the one of one thousand new ports (porto novo). 

when horsemouth is back in hereford he will get a new burner.  

if he didn't see you this time he is sorry to have missed you. he has been remiss he should have been out last night to see a friend's daughter's band etc. but no. in the day he saw john and TG for falafel and he went for a walk over to the aldi book box (lefebvre's the production of space  er. but in french). to get around people (given people's schedules)would have taken at least  a week and finally he was disadvantaged by the upstairs/ downstairs nature of the roundhouse gig. 

in the evening he went for beers with his housemate ian up to the elderfield and saw the neighbours from two doors over.  

monday he has a zoom meeting.  

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