Friday 19 January 2024

horsemouth (by himself) (horsemouth free of copyright)

'he's writing a lot less down in his diary because he's not trapped without technology while working. nor is he on buses and trains. and this affects the quality of his blitherings here.  he's finding it difficult to read during the day, he usually only manages to read last thing at night.' 

'was not his providential birth and survival to be contrasted with the death of his twin sister who had seemed more robust.' - introduction to john clare by himself  by eric robnson and david powell. 

this could so easily be PKD (his twin sister died also). john clare has come free of copyright. looks like horsemouth will have to read more john clare. (he'll have a look around - it's the kind of book that could be here in a folio edition or somesuch). he's had a look online - the little he read was good. 

in the centre point occupation timeline centre point is still occupied and will be until 3pm on the 20th (even then there will be scuffles removing the protestors who didn't want to leave after 48 hours). 

this time last year (2020(3)) horsemouth was suffering with his dental health (after years of neglect). it's still not fully resolved but at least he is in a pain free era of it. at the time he was reading the world that made new orleans by ned sublette (book box- free). a great history of new orleans. 

this time in 2020(2) he was watching armando crispino's autopsy (aka macchie solari or sunspots), an engaging giallo with a slight science fiction edge and an avant garde morricone soundtrack.

horsemouth was up at the bench at the top of the common. in a while a documentary about the possibility of nuclear war and the doomsday clock of the bulletin of the atomic scientists. this is something horsemouth no longer worries about. if the world were to be blown up now horsemouth would be distinctly surprised and put out. on the other hand global warming above 2C and climate change he sees as a certainty.  

today more walks. saturday the usual. next week the anniversary of keith jarrett's koln concert, a meeting of the communal endeavour and a wolf moon. 

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