Monday 26 February 2024

'fahey establishes rapport with the tasmanians'

it's the morning. horsemouth has not done his homework for fahey week and so will have to bodge something together in a hurry. 

yesterday evening he did a little reading on live in tasmania  by john fahey. it is an object lesson in how fahey can present himself and his work to best effect and the lengths he is prepared to go to to achieve this. at least one track is not actually played live but is a studio recording with audience noise dubbed onto it. the tracks are renamed for the occasion to make them appear like new work and one of the main pleasures is identifying the songs for what they are. 

and here is fahey doing the heavy lifting for him, first 'fahey establishes rapport with the tasmanians' and then discoursing further upon 'obscurity'. 

fahey is a thorough-going huckster (in this he is not a bit like kafka). 

sadly for horsemouth (and his 'it happened today' tendencies) this album was not recorded any time round today but was instead recorded in october. 


'the cladding - the material used on the façade - is suspected of being a major factor, with reports that it was banned in 2019 because of its flammability, but that it was not subsequently removed from buildings that had used it...'

horsemouth has been keeping an eye on the fire in valencia at a campanar residential development. it looks like that cassette style cladding from the outside with (allegedly) a polyurethane core.

'esther punchades, from insurance inspection agency APCAS, told state broadcaster TVE a lack of firewalls and the use of the plastic material polyurethane on the façade of the building that caught fire would have contributed to the rapid spread of the blaze.'

ten people are dead. the alarms didn't go off. probably more people would have died had it happened at night. once again looking at photos of the burnt out building it is amazing that more people didn't die. 

of course these fires will continue to happen because cladding became fashionable, and because many of the firms that built the buildings are no longer in existence. 

the situation is, of course, not any better in the UK, many buildings with flammable cladding languish unremediated because the money has not been made available to remediate them. 

today better weather. 

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