Wednesday 21 February 2024

'I saw america changed through music (and all of that stuff the rest of you are talking about)...'

today is the anniversary of the swami satchidananda integral yoga gala at which alice coltrane played (53 years ago today) - africa  from that gig has been available for a while in a variety of formats, but now a lot more of the gig is available. a version of shiva-locka has been released on youtube. there's a commemoration tomorrow night in new york. 

'is not work the salt which preserves mummified souls?'  - baudelaire, journals intimes. 

 'horsemouth is up. it's 8am ish. he's drinking his coffee...' 

this much is once again true. horsemouth was feeling uninspired last night (and out of sorts yesterday) so he has no pre-prepared text. he is sitting, drinking coffee, waiting for the inspiration to strike. 

outside it is a grey rainy horror of a day. (today and tomorrow rain).

tomorrow fahey week begins (february 22nd to february 28th) as inaugurated by delta-slider blogspot. 

again horsemouth has done no additional research and has no new material prepared. he is confident there is enough of interest there that when he starts looking there will be stuff. 

above harry everett smith gets his lifetime achievement award for the anthology of american folk music. he delivers the prepared line (but cannot resist subversively modifying it). 

horsemouth has some communal endeavour stuff to do and then he will go back to thinking about the insulation/ decarbonisation stuff (his primary interest). there's some other stuff too - there's a couple of meetings to be had (apparently). 

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