Sunday 24 March 2024

chicken escape thwarted! (5 rabbits)

chicken escape!

chicken escape sorted! 

a chicken. (just the one). but still. 

it was a tunnel. short and sweet. under the wire and free. 

the escapee hadn't gone far but horsemouth had to worm his way in under the fir trees to chase it into the corner. he then used a broom to sweep it down towards the gate (figuratively) and then back into the enclosure. 

the excavated hole he filled up with rocks. he's going to have to reinforce the top fence the same way he can see. 

but for now the perimeter is secured. 

on the plus side of the wildlife horsemouth has now seen 5 rabbits at the same time.  he also saw the male rabbit spraying (in a similar way to the way tomcats spray) - which he didn't know happened (until now). 

orson welles/ walter murch/ er. will self(?) interviewed about the edit by mike figgis - we think we are cutting down, really we are building up 'to make it seem more coherent than it probably is'. jason reid and jeremy gilbert discuss spinoza, marx, the politics of work (and breaking bad/ better call saul, fight club, office space, sorry to bother you, negative solidarity, 'we are all in this (but in our isolation)').

horsemouth doesn't write much about palestine because it's simply too depressing. 

horsemouth cannot see a way through to where it is likely to get any better. while the world's attention is focused on gaza the israeli settlers occupy more land in the west bank. israel is incapable of stopping itself, to be made to stop it will have to be forced to stop, and the US is unwilling to force it to stop. russia and china were right to veto the US 'wouldn't a peace deal be nice' motion in the UN security council. 

history (and the people of the third world) will judge us harshly for our failure to stop this genocide. as it (and they) will judge us harshly over sudan, yemen, syria, libya, iraq, afghanistan and over our treatment of refugees from these conflicts and from others.

the sun has risen from behind the hill opposite (it has moved in its starting point up the edge of the skyline). horsemouth finds the orientation of his mum's house odd (his window it is sort of SE facing). if he thinks of the window nearest his bed as the front door of his south facing house in hackney it sort of makes sense. it looks like being a good day. (the rest of the week is looking a bit shit). 

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