Friday 22 March 2024

daffodils and primroses (the tulips are up)

it's march 22nd. as part of the year of alice coltrane  the live at carnegie hall (1971) album has been released. 

horsemouth is out in the countryside having made his escape from the wen. he's up early (he's not sure why). ok he went to bed early. 

just as horsemouth was leaving london he had a  phone won't charge meltdown (it seems to be charging ok now fuck knows why that was). horsemouth realises he has been carrying around a lot of stress related to the communal endeavour. hopefully everything from here on in will flow smoothly (but if it doesn't then it doesn't). 

it seems strange to horsemouth that this sort of rage used to be a daily occurrence while horsemouth dashed around the city from badly paid booking to badly paid booking. horsemouth wishes he was smart. he wishes he didn't run at everything like a bull in a china shop. (on the other hand, a lot of the time, that's actually what it needs).

back in the countryside there are lots of daffodils and primroses. the tulips are up. there are birds but horsemouth hasn't seen the rabbits yet (nor the black cat). to be fair he saw two of the rabbits in the next door field when he was coming back from a walk on the common. he saw a rabbit actually up on the common itself. 

this weekend horsemouth will be settling in (maybe zoom beers with howard we shall see). 

next weekend his brother, his brother's wife and their youngest is up and visiting. 

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