Monday 4 March 2024

guess who's back

the sun is shining and horsemouth has his coffee (he's just been to get a refill). in theory his brother is up in the wilds of herefordshire. horsemouth is not high on a mountain top he is down in the swamps (but it's ok). later today a visit from the insulation people. this morning perhaps a walk (the bench 10am). 

of course where he lives is on a slight hill falling down to the canals and rivers of the the lea valley or accelerating up into the hills of stamford hill and tottenham. (you can witness this process from springfield park). where horsemouth is the incline is less dramatic. 

horsemouth's thought processes were greatly concentrated when the downstairs flat two doors up from him was flooded (rainwater run-off rather than rising sea levels). there's going to be lots more of this going forward (at least until AMOC - the atlantic meridional overturning circulation - collapses and at that point the country will become colder and drier). this may work well with global warming by working against it. 

the drainage system is the sewerage system (so horsemouth is very glad his flat hasn't flooded). the real issue is converting the acres of concrete and tarmac to grassy fields that can soak up rainwater (rather than roll it off downhill) and planting lots of trees (to catch rainwater and pump it out of the ground). 

already much of spain is in drought and this will doubtless intensify over the years. the south of france, italy, greece. 

horsemouth has been reading ice by anna kavan. the world is freezing up, our hero is on a fool's quest. 

horsemouth will have to get out and about and tell people that he is back. 

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