Saturday 30 March 2024

'marry disconnected passages from the diaries, suppress qualifying clauses and phrases, insert invented material...'

'today, neither this not any of the other branch lines and narrow gauge railways which made such an extraordinary network over the district, are in existence. I travelled on all those which survived the 1914-18 war, and I lament their passing, as everyone must do who knew them...' - maxwell fraser, welsh border country, batsford (london), 1973, p.168.

this quote horsemouth posted together with a photo of credenhill railway station (just along from stretton sugwas where horsemouth played his first ever solo gig). only colwall, hereford, ledbury and leominster railway station are still in use out of the 54 railway stations in herefordshire mentioned by wikipedia. 

before he started on viriconium horsemouth was reading the antonia white diaries (as edited by one of her daughters susan chitty). there's an article that attempts to put the whole scene around antonia white  in some kind of context (based largely round a review of the other daughter's biography of her).

germiane greer was not impressed by susan chitty and her work on a biography of her mother (and presumably, later, her work in editing her mother's diary). 

'chitty would rewrite white, marry disconnected passages from the diaries, suppress qualifying clauses and phrases, insert invented material or change names. such unscrupulousness is not normally to be suspected...’

horsemouth is sorry to hear this (but the literary review  seems like a good read and he is pleased to discover it).  in many ways this resembles horsemouth's way with a quote (beware his ellipsis). 

good morning! good morning! it is a bright sunshine-y morning out. later today angela and martin (of angela and martin) are coming to visit - horsemouth's brother's family are here already (excluding the oldest boy). at the moment coffee. later today breakfast and a walk on the common. last night diner - a glass of wine (and a bottle of beer with his mum before they came). 

yesterday was very rainy. the drainage channel of the common has sprung a leak (horsemouth should probably attend to that. there's a squirrel on the banking and some blossom on the two plum trees (there's another one in the bottom field horsemouth should look at). some jays seem to be disputing over territory.  

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