Saturday 9 March 2024

'time be put in parentheses... the novel thus assumes the guise of oracle'

accessions diary day 2

fictions: the novel and social reality by michel zéraffa 1976 (cover painting by michael forman)  - 75p sally army.

age of revolutions by eric hobsbawm - - 75p sally army. 

walk down to sally army - 2 miles there and 2 miles back.

the michel zéraffa horsemouth just bought for the cover really and after a cursory examination of the refences revealed lots of good people borges, barthes, caillois, balibar, macherey, auerbach, todorov and jakobsen, foucault, blanchot, lévi-strauss, lukacs,  eco - the usual suspects (plus an equal number that horsemouth has never heard of). horsemouth has read the first chapter - he's going to have to go back and re-read it (but it is nicely written so that's no suffering). 

age of revolutions horsemouth hasn't started on yet.  

'they say that the writer loses one reader for each chronicled dream' - mircea cărtărescu, nostalgia.

of nostalgia by mircea cărtărescu (yesterday's purchase) horsemouth has only read the first chapter on the roulette player (who survived his attempt to play russian roulette with a revolver containing 6 bullets). he'll read more later (it was an engaging read). 

this is one of the things horsemouth misses about the seaside towns when he's at his mum's - even though hay-on-wye is up the road - there just isn't the same access to strange and uncommon books for a quid or less - this is a function of the sheer concentration of people. these are the kind of discoveries you can make almost every time you go for a walk or  to a new area.

and on that subject horsemouth passed a locked book-box on his way home (doesn't that rather defeat the intention of the thing). 

today (this evening) horsemouth goes round to minty's for a sing-around. he's a bit out of practice. he may get some in in the day or he may trust to luck. 

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