Friday 12 April 2024

counterfeiter, forger, murderer

'you have to wait for the book to manifest in the marketplace.' - ken sanders, rare book dealer. 

rough play in the book trade (as told by ken sanders). 

mark william hofmann american counterfeiter, forger, bomber, murderer. horsemouth remembers another forger, this time a british one, the tale told in the pages of the literary review but he can't find it at the minute. it didn't end with bombs, murders and a life sentence. 

lots of rabbit chasing behaviour. crow has just done a raid on the food in the hen coop. 

yesterday horsemouth wandered over to the village on a shopping mission. (he only fell over in the mud once - the result of an unwise shortcut decision). he sowed some peas. and planted some leeks in the potting shed.  

ah great! backing up kitchen drain. (let's just leave the bollocking thing alone until the morning shall we). 


‘no matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.’ - sonny rollins, the notebooks of sonny rollins.

interest piqued. philly joe jones on drums slaying it (rim shot on 4 (at the start mostly)). G dorian and A aeolian apparently. 

it is the morning. horsemouth is up and has his coffee. he sitting up in bed wearing the daniel johnson t-shirt, a shirt, the black pair of jeans, socks, underwear. his reading of viriconium goes well. he has the anniversary of the last day of recording for horsemouth in 2022 coming up. no kafka until the 14th. the coffee is beginning to do its evil work. 

the coffee has done its evil work (time for more coffee). a beautiful morning (a dew not a frost). when he was asleep horsemouth was dreaming about exploring a deserted house but he became stuck ascending a rickety collection of boxes (and then he woke up). 

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