Sunday 14 April 2024

horsemouth's 2000th blogpost ('the homer class for the galician girls')

yes it's horsemouth's 2000th blogpost. (what a long strange groovy trip it has been.) 

'the homer class for the galician girls. the one in the green blouse, sharp severe face; when she raised her hand she held it straight out in front of her; quick movements when she put on her coat; if she raised her hand and was not called on, she felt ashamed and turned her face aside...' -franz kafka, diaries, 15th april 1915. 

it all began as a response to the great 2013 myspace blog dieback with horsemouth's first post on blogger on saturday 22nd june 2013. (there's a whole pre-history as well of horsemouth blogging away on the now defunct myspace, starting 24th november 2006). 

for much of this time horsemouth was also using the facebook notes tool to blog daily - at least as far back as 12 years ago until that ceased in october 2020 and horsemouth transferred his daily blogging habit to blogger. 

here you see a south-facing photo from his flat in pop(u)lar of the time of the great myspace blog dieback. the laramie guitar, a bookshelf (horsemouth recognises some of the books), the sun dust 2 or maybe it's sunny savannah 3 paintjob (fashionable but expensive). through the door you can see the wreck that is the kitchen (painted all white like something from pasolini but with black floors and counter tops -  a legacy from the previous inhabitant). 

really horsemouth should have used the sun dust in the kitchen also (but he did not). 

in the kitchen if you squint you can see the card-meter for the gas (the key meter for the electric was in the hall). horsemouth hated these mean spirited (and expensive) machines. 

yesterday horsemouth went off out to deliver some eggs (not to his usual delivery at the crossroads, ok more of a t- junction, but further up the hill, and curiously at another t- junction). . he crossed the field behind the abbey, across the river, down the lane and up the hill. he has been invited out bell-ringing (which he will go and give a go next thursday).  

the beans continue to throw up little bean plants in the greenhouse (no sign of anything from the leek seeds yet). he watered the peas he had planted and planted some carrot seeds. 

it's the morning. horsemouth has finished viriconium. the characters are trapped in huddersfield dreaming of escape to this wondrous city.

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