Monday 1 April 2024

the british summer time paradox

yesterday horsemouth was greeted upon awakening by the british summer time paradox (what time is it really?). sometime around 1pm he started gingerly wandering round the house pressing the reset button on the radio controlled clocks and merely resetting the others by hand.

in the morning horsemouth will turn the page on two countryfile calendars, a calendar with lots of photos of his brother's family and the dore abbey calendar. ok he's done one of the countryfile calendars and the dore abbey one already (april is already looking like a busy month but it will in fact be comparatively empty really). 

april is a 30 day month. 

week one begins with horsemouth reminding two of his housemates that there's the electricity and gas to pay for the month. (tbh everybody is pretty good about paying up - but not always so good at telling horsemouth that they have paid up). 

ofgem have announced that the new price cap (which limits what you pay for gas or electricity on a variable rate plan) will be £1,690 for a year, dual fuel, for  a typical household, for the 3 month period april, may, june 2024. a decrease of £238 on the year. the price cap is likely to be lower again for july to september but then rise again in october (in time for winter and higher usage says horsemouth cynically). 

this should enable horsemouth to leave the payments at the existing level (if not perhaps the lower level he was hoping for). the rate per kwh has gone down but the standing charges per day for both of the fuels have gone up. 

a friend is visiting (in week two) ideally horsemouth would get back into town to see him. 

the carbuncle towards the end of the month (week four)  is the annual general meeting  of the communal endeavour (the one where horsemouth gets to present the rent rise). already he's beginning to regret turning over the page on the calendar as his head fills up with the usual communal endeavour paranoia.  

the trick is not to catastrophise and worry over it. (not that horsemouth can help himself really). 

this is also the week of  the abbey rota. 

ok horsemouth will leave it now until the morning to see if he has any better thoughts then. 

it is the morning. it looks as if it rained overnight. the bbc weather says probably rain in the afternoon. it's a bank holiday monday horsemouth believes. there's some sun. 

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