Sunday 26 May 2024

horsemouth's musical weekend continues


horsemouth's musical weekend continues.

having seen minny pops he was off to see triple negative and evan parker and bill nace. 

the evan parker and bill nace part of the gig was excellent - dark and grinding. horsemouth can only compare it with steve reich/ philip glass style minimalism (but he realises this isn't a comparison that improv fans are keen on). 

at the gig he saw myk and dave panos, matthew and anja and dennis (obviously), demetra, anthony. 

triple negative were visibly struggling with something leading to a difficulty in communication (ps. matthew has a new guitar) but it was still a good gig. horsemouth liked the new loops. it kind of reminded him of tricky in a way (again he is aware this may not be people's favourite comparison). his usual point of comparison is flowers of romance era PIL.

before the gig matthew was recommending a book on experimental music. horsemouth will have to look it up.  

horsemouth bought the album above (he owes myk a tenner but then he is seeing him tomorrow). it is curious - this was after a long conversation about how everybody loves their records and CDs but never plays them anymore. 

anyway horsemouth drank too much and is feeling a bit run down today. 

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