Friday 3 May 2024

(milk reminder)

'completely indifferent and apathetic. a well gone dry...' - franz kafka, diaries, 3rd may 1915.

meanwhile (in 1808) the valiant people of madrid are being massacred by the french army

'the first great picture which can be called revolutionary in every sense of the word, in style, in subject, and in intention' - art historian kenneth clark, 

and meanwhile too, today is bandcamp friday, the 40th bandcamp friday (there are a number of special events and listening parties). horsemouth thought he had one of howard's golden glows to play you but he doesn't (it turns out to be 3rd april 2020 not 3rd of may - ah well so it goes).

yesterday horsemouth went for a wander on the common and then he and his mum wandered down to the village hall so that she could empty out the coin meter.  but they had forgotten there were the local council elections going on and it was being used as a polling station (so they returned home empty handed, though on the way back horsemouth did find a muddy 20p piece lying in the road). 

while it rained he reviewed a few books on goodreads;

 - landscape with machines (ltc rolt)

 - diaries 1926-1957 (antonia white, ed. susan chitty)

 - where I was from (joan didion)

 - nostalgia (mircea cărtărescu) 

he constructs his reviews from the isolated comments he has made here and there on this blog and on facebook. he writes not too badly (as you know) and has a good eye for a quote so, by and large, they don't come out too badly.. 

he's reading a lot less than he used to (and spending more time farting about on the internet). the sun is good for reading because then he can sit outside and read (and it is harder to read of a computer screen when the sun is on it and even laptops are intrinsically less portable than paperback books). 

horsemouth chickened out of going bell-ringing last night (he is now cursing himself for a fool) but he will go next week. there are quite a few bell related events in the next few weeks, he will either try and blag a lift or walk over (about an hour and a half) to attend them. or maybe he will bottle out we shall see. 

currently the plan today is to go to TESCOs (the kettle has died and needs replacing for a start). the bbc weather reports rain all day (and grey tomorrow). ah yes he has been reminded, the milk. 

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