Monday 27 May 2024

'urgent debates about the future of music...'

horsemouth's travels have ended with tea and a cake with TG and myk down at the gallery cafe. he also remembered to repay myk the tenner he borrowed to purchase god bless the death drive by triple negative on saturday night.

it joins a long list of musical impulse purchases where horsemouth has attempted to prove to himself that he still listens to music  on CD and record, ahem, 'vinyl' as it is now known. though, of course, he does not. 

he streams everything now (including his own work).

and on that topic it is musicians of bremen volume three day, the anniversary of the release of volume three six years ago now. horsemouth remains fiercely proud of it. last night he listened to some tracks from it

after tea and cake with TG and myk horsemouth wandered up towards broadway market with TG and TG met a friend and headed off to an art exhibit. horsemouth headed off home (something in the region of a 5 mile round journey, possibly a little more). 

this 5 miles follows a previous 5 mile walk there and back down to minny pops  just behind the gallery cafe. plus the 4 miles over to cafe OTO to see triple negative and various wombling rounds of the hood and the marshes. 

horsemouth comes to the end of a period of activity (the socialising and catching up bit of his visit to the city). he thinks he could do with a bit of a rest. he has stretched himself (and spread himself) a bit thin. he's having a night off (he's having a boring night in).  he hopes to catch up with minty one evening this week. 

thursday 30th may at 10am AEST in new zealand (horsemouth should check when this is local time -1.30 to 2.30 am) there will be a listening party for once upon a time in shaolin by the wu-tang clan. the sole copy of it in the world will be played.  sadly it did not catalyse 'urgent debates about the future of music', nothing could beat the unstoppable convenience of streaming. 

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