Friday 7 June 2024

an entirely written in the morning blogpost (monastic trio)

this is an entirely written in the morning blogpost (the first for a long time). 

normally horsemouth gets bored at some point in the afternoon or evening, finds something at least sufficiently interesting and starts blogging. in the morning all that remains to do is a few nips and tucks and we are there already. 

not today. today horsemouth is going to have to entertain you with his wit and wisdom produced (magician like) off his cuff. 

it is not a bandcamp friday this friday (for some reason above horsemouth's paygrade) nonetheless horsemouth recommends you buy martin howard's new album the ornithologists arms, which (as he has mentioned before features a great line about murmurations of starlings performing mutual aid in the sense of peter kropotkin). 

it 's a beautiful morning. horsemouth has taken the milk across to the fridge in the garage. he has watered what can be watered in the garden and in the greenhouse. today himself and his mum are off to a garden centre to buy some plants. 

yesterday horsemouth was  knackered having done some digging in the garden and the weather outside was beautiful so he took a walk down by the abbey - the better to avoid his bad thoughts up on the common.

strangely one of the run down houses on the edge of the common is up for auction - horsemouth will let you know what he can find out about it. 

he spent some time wrestling the phones to set up his rent direct debit for the year. he set it up at a level to repay (over a year) a few weeks of arrears he had built up and hopefully to provide him with a head's start on next year's rent rise (should it be needed).  he needs to get on and refuel his bank account/ check his general financial viablity etc. whilst doing some weeding he heard the bells from the abbey. 

yesterday tracks 4 to 8 of  alice coltrane's a monastic trio were recorded in 1968 at the coltrane family home. alice coltrane/ jimmy garrison/ rashied ali. horsemouth has chosen oceanic beloved (a giant flailing drums and harp fest). 

what horsemouth is really waiting for is the report of the insulation designers as to how the various properties of the communal endeavour can lifted up to EPC C standard. once they have that report the discussions can begin with the people in the houses as to how they want things to proceed. the communal endeavour will have to program these works in based on how much money they have and the conditions of the properties and so on. 

it's an interesting situation.  the prospect of government money to help do it has essentially vanished, the widely advertised schemes are not aimed at social housing. should the endeavour aim to produce an exemplary property to advertise the benefits of the scheme within the endeavour? or should it aim to lift up the lowliest first (to bring every property up to an EPC C asap as it were)?

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