Tuesday 18 June 2024

introducing the miracle

'horsemouth never quite knows what to do with long and sunny days. it's one week to the solstice and thereafter the machinery of the heavens goes into reverse (summer iz y goin' out as a friend once put it) and yet we will still be in the bright quarter of the year for another seven and a half weeks, not until 15 weeks will we be back at the equinox...' 

- horsemouth from ten years ago, draft of blogpost 14th june 2014. 

here we see horsemouth bargaining with the heavens. 

the rest of the post (and there was rather a lot of it) was about foucault and education. it followed on from horsemouth's readings around althusser, foucault and rancière. 

rancière was recently in the NLR sidecar writing a eulogy for his recently deceased publisher eric hazan.  horsemouth presumes that the book hazan 'authored' out of rancière mentioned in the article was the politics of aesthetics (a discussion with gabriel rockhill that became rancière's breakout book). but he could easily be wrong. it has been a long time since he read this stuff and he's not up to speed. he has rancière's  on the shores of politics with him here. the last time he read it was in porto about 8 years ago (a good choice seeing as it is very keen on sailors and on the sea).

esther leslie's book on benjamin goes well the task of the translator is getting written (it is the collection illuminations). his kid has stopped being ill and is coining words - bildschwein image pig for wild pig wildschwein. they are poor (for the bourgeois) but his wife buys him small paul klee paintings - angelus novus  and introducing the miracle (vorführung des wunders). 

here it is a beautiful morning (that said it has just gone grey for the day according to bbc weather). upstart crows are mobbing a couple of buzzards disrupting their attempts to rise up on a thermal. last night an owl (undetermined type) and a brightish moon. horsemouth has taken the milk across to the fridge in the garage  and horsemouth has watered the garden (remind him to water the plants in the greenhouse). 

later today TESCOs and later taking the bin down to the bottom of the drive. he has his coffee. 

tomorrow a meeting on zoom about record keeping for retrofit. thursday the solstice. 

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