Saturday 1 June 2024

it is the morning it is june

 so when horsemouth wakes up in the morning it is june. 

we enter the brightest part of the year (the three or so weeks on either side of the summer solstice). then we enter the summer june-july-august (and even september can be decent). the summer is supposed to be something of a wash out (50 days of rain etc. or maybe not). we shall see. soon enough it will be rent rise day. 

'then came the night of the first falling star...' - h.g. wells, war of the worlds chapter 2. june is the month of the action in war of the worlds. sometime after the 16th. horsemouth very much enjoyed rereading it (and not just because he could often hear the voice of jeff wayne's musical war of the worlds  in his head while he was reading it. he likes the collapse of the uk, the fall of london, the refugees fleeing, the concreteness of the locations. it is altogether a more concrete than the opening chapters of after london (wild england) by richard jefferies. 

it is proposed in, in michael moorcock's before armageddon (and its sister volume england invaded) that wells lifted this from the battle of dorking (by g.t. chesney). horsemouth has just dug these slim paperbacks out of the stacks (from his highest bookshelf if anyone is interested).

it is not just gaza where one can see this in the modern world but sudan too (as horsemouth observed on the evening news) and before that yemen.  

in a bit horsemouth goes to meet howard in camden to the album launch of jacken elswyth's at fairgrounds. (it should be good). what they will do after that he does not know. (never mind that they have to arrange the meeting up and finding the venue etc.)

6 years ago the musicians of bremen volume 3 CDs arrived (horsemouth still has a few in case anyone is interested). 

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