Wednesday 31 July 2024

a hot day (lammas/ anniversary of the release of musicians of bremen volume four)

it is the fourth anniversary of the release of musician's of bremen's album volume four (or it will be tomorrow)

horsemouth hasn't worked out anything to do to celebrate. it is in any event lammas the next turn of the wheel of the year (or it will be tomorrow).  


the engineer's visit for the broadband and the phoneline went well (horsemouth thinks). 

he blamed the poor quality of the sound on the phone (it was a hot day so horsemouth did not remember to point out that the sound was just as shit on the second phone). the guy argued that the router should be downstairs next to the main input (and so indeed it now is). should people wish for ethernet connections then they'll just have to sort it out themselves. 

the phone up in the office seems to be out. he was gone before horsemouth noticed this. it seems to horsemouth that people can use zoom or some kind of internet telephony or use their mobiles (if there's any signal). 

horsemouth's mum has noticed a leak from the black alkathene pipe feeding the water trough up on the banking. they have been visited by people from the commons water people and they have clamped the pipe to reduce the flow. horsemouth will now go and purchase a valve, an insert and then with his trusty hacksaw saw through the pipe and fit the new valve. hopefully that will all go ok. 

there's no particular need for the water trough - such sheep as visit will be fine without it. if the leak can only be reduced that's not fatal either - all it is doing is irrigating a hedge. 

when he is done he will bury the pipe so that it is no longer his problem. 

he says 'feeding the water trough' but in fact horsemouth's father had bodged the repair - unable to find a fitting that would actually work he had just stuck a plastic bag ontop of a cork and hammered it into the pipe. 'a classic john bodge' as the guy from the commons water put it. horsemouth can just imagine his father's fury when the repair wasn't going well and his cackling laughter when he hit upon a bodge for it. 

there's some stuff relating to insurance for mum's car (but horsemouth has farmed that off on his brother). earlier in the baking heat of the day his 80plus year old mum was determined to do some weeding in the garden and it took horsemouth a while to dissuade her. 

(this is probably why he was in such a foul mood most of the day).  

that and the fact that it was hot. the heat is only pleasurable when you have nothing or not much to do (and as you can see horsemouth was a little busy). 

he has the anxieties relevant to the task and some social anxieties round the bell-ringing (it's his turn to buy a round). 

he had a whole book based blog for you but he will do it another time.  ok wish him luck and he will see you on the other side of task hell. 

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