Monday 1 July 2024

exile - (untimely death) - relics

'friday 1st july 1763. mr. johnson, dr. goldsmith and I supped at the mitre. I has curious ideas when I considered that I was sitting with london authors by profession...' - boswell's london diaries 1762-63.

a friend who has left london is wondering where to live. they are nostalgic for the city (as it was) but know that they cannot afford to come back. they cannot afford to live here. but also they cannot afford to live there (in the prosperous south). 

both places have gentrified. but beyond this rents have risen drastically in both places even without gentrification (this has happened in porto, this has happened basically everywhere). 

add to this places in the uk have gone rightwards post ukip/ post brexit/ post boris/ post reform or perhaps this material has just been acknowledged and risen to the surface.

benjamin - kafka parallels discuss. 

exile - (untimely death) - relics. horsemouth is making progress with benjamin's berlin childhood around 1900, essentially a farewell to the city (exile) but also a relic. 

the night before last's beer trophy - aeron bergman and alejandra salinas's telepathy a collection of writings inca press.

'their early works are among the first experiments with folk and laptop electronic music. this is especially noted in... porto: folklore fragments volume 2. the track 'water jota in 1213442' from the former consists almost entirely of water drop sounds, arranged according to the structure of a folk dance; the artists themselves comment on such concepts that the record "considers the past, while not repeating it."' - wikipedia entry. 

in the night we have passed the mid-point of the calendar year. 

wait a minute horsemouth will just turn the calendar over to july. 

wednesday the (re-)birth of kafka.

thursday horsemouth votes (don't forget to take ID). there are some free modern classical music things down at the QEH towards the weekend (horsemouth may well wander down). 

horsemouth is up. he has his coffee (but it's cheap supermarket coffee so it's no great shakes). it is a beautiful morning outside. he's due to be going for a walk with TG. TG wants to attempt some long walk (horsemouth will see how he feels). a fox just passed by within five feet of him, rat running up the front gardens, having an explore. the hazelnut trees in the front garden are growing well shading out horsemouth's flat in summer. it all looks very verdant and cool. 

wait horsemouth is going to check his emails to make sure TG has't cancelled. 

above a discussion of changes in the musical commodity. 


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