Tuesday 30 July 2024

horsemouth has lived with the internet for how long now?

yesterday a visit to the queen's wood (horsemouth and his mum had an ice cream). on the way back a stop-off at tescos to buy some food his mum wouldn't have to prepare (but would have to cook anyway).

this followed on from a visit to the ancestors' graves in far off stoke prior. there was an attempt to visit leominster but it was decided that the queenswood would be shadier and more relaxing. (and so it proved). 

the grave yard in stoke prior churchyard provided the opportunity to see who has died of the people mum went to school with, to identify the houses where they lived (and where various relatives lived). in truth horsemouth felt very brave heading out into the heat. 

the internet has been well buggy of late, horsemouth has booked an engineer for the afternoon (let's see if they show up or if the service magically improves itself).

of course the internet is horsemouth's lifeline but it is also his addiction. 

horsemouth has lived with the internet for how long now? (for long enough that he remembers dial-up modems, bulletin boards and netscape). more than half his life. it seems inconceivable not to be able to look literally anything up while recumbent on your bed. it is, in many ways. the technology that made lockdown possible. he barely bothers with the tv and radio. 

it's the morning (a coolish morning). horsemouth has unleashed the chickens and watered the veg. he has also wandered the milk over to the fridge in the garage. today (if horsemouth remembers correctly) a day off. tomorrow the end of the month. thursday more bellringing and the anniversary of the release of musicians of bremen volume four.

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