Friday 12 July 2024

into the mill-pond with it

 oh dear. yesterday horsemouth had a meltdown. 

the dental practice where his mum goes has closed down. the new lot have taken over and they have sent out an invitation letter but someone has incorrectly sized it and the phone number has been cut off.

an article on one of the local websites claims the number is still the same (but that number does not work - it goes straight to voicemail, or rather it would if the voicemail wasn't full). horsemouth has seen the new signage for the practice (in the self-same article) - this claims the number is the old number too.

the nhs dentists website still gives the old dental practice details. 

horsemouth tried phoning around and emailing around and looking things up on facebook (that font of knowledge) but no joy. 

horsemouth pronounces a fuck it on the whole enterprise. it will come right or it won't. 

'she had a job as an allocator (she wouldn't give us a little piece of paper)' sang the co-creators once upon a time (with a mounting sense of frustration). that's if horsemouth had heard them correctly.


(ok he's calmed down. he's back to his usual 'happy go lucky' self.)

minty has 'gifted' horsemouth some old copies of the wire. in the october 2023 copy, in the boomerang  section a review of the reissue of john fahey's proofs &  refutations where he took up throat singing, apparently his throat singing on red cross, disciple of christ today was mixed out of the final record but some of it did make it onto the mill pond double 7".  

fahey does a good job (in a strange way he sounds like robbie basho even when he's howling like a wolf). 

also in the october issue al karpenter get an interview and discuss triple negative ('london's more-obliterated-than-deconstructed urban folk unit' as the wire describe them).  in the november issue a primer on jazz and poetry. in december a review of a barbara dane movie

it's a grey morning. ah well it saves horsemouth from having to water the garden. at some point the plan is for him to walk into the nearby village to buy a loaf of bread etc.  er. and walk back. next week it is horsemouth and his mum's turn on the abbey rota - going down in the morning to unlock it, going down late afternoon to lock it back up. 

he's been reading the utopians. they are with mushanokoji and his attempts to found a utopian commune;

'in 1918, mushanokōji took the next step in the development of his philosophy by moving to the mountains of kijō, miyazaki in kyūshū, and establishing a quasi-socialistic utopian commune, atarashiki-mura (new village) along vaguely tolstoyan lines... the commune also published its own literary magazine, atarashiki-mura... however, mushanokōji tired of the social experiment and left the village in 1926; a dam project forced it to relocate to saitama prefecture in 1939, where it still exists.'

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