Thursday 4 July 2024

isis and osiris day (war on the bullshit)


today is isis and osiris day - the day (well rather the night) that alice coltrane and her band recorded isis and osiris at the village gate in 1970.

it's the outlier on the album - a track recorded live in concert with jazz bassist vishnu wood playing oud (rather than the tanpura of tulsi sen gupta on the rest of the album) and charlie haden is on bass. 

now isis and osiris (the wife and the husband) - osiris is slain by his evil brother set (god of god of deserts, storms, disorder, violence, and evil foreigners). osiris the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation.  isis resurrects her slain husband osiris, and produces and protects his heir horus. (you can see why alice coltrane may have liked the myth). 

as horsemouth types this the election campaign is over. horsemouth calls war on the bullshit. (hell he just published this and donald banks status quo also). as conservative backbencher charles walker quipped (after the liz truss debacle) 'there is nothing as ex as an ex-MP', but  ex-MPs won't happen without your help.   

horsemouth  went to bed early the better to get up early in the morning and vote (and after this he will have five years to repent). he walked into the sun to the polling station (remembering to take his only piece of photo ID). he walked in behind a little girl and her mother. everybody was pleasant and helpful. he was crossed off the list and given his voting slip. he went to booth put in an X on the card and popped it in the box as directed. job done he thanked the poll workers and headed off down the street passed the people coming to vote (clutching their passports). 

horsemouth is feeling all virtuous and civic minded. 

the night of 4th july 1963 carlos castaneda is allegedly with don juan and having a flying on jimpson weed (datura) experience. he wakes up naked in a field near the datura plant. don juan comes and finds him (bringing his clothes). horsemouth suspects many people's nights will be like this. 

tonight horsemouth may be going out to see minty in the evening. he may try to get into town to see a free classical music thing at the QEH 7pm (ruth crawford seeger - stepmom to pete seeger but before that avant-garde composer).  he will let you know how that goes. 

yesterday he went to the oxfam walthamstow (about 5 miles all told). he's up the utopians: six attempts to build the perfect society by anna neima (a.n.other charity shop - one squid). 

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