Tuesday 16 July 2024

the marinus van der lubbe reichstag fire photo

so we have it 

the marinus van der lubbe reichstag fire photo

bluesky - check

american flag - check

blood - check

clenched fist - check

heroic composition -check (iwo jima flag photo) look at those diagonals!

that about wraps it up for biden or whoever the democrats choose to run. from here on in it is trump's to lose. 


horsemouth has headed to the hills early in any event. 

and he's up earlyish too. (this is a  'mostly written in the morning blogpost', or at least horsemouth hopes it will be).  the internet is crawling in (it's like the days of dial up modems). he's already taken the milk over to the fridge in the garage. 

horsemouth can't believe that the assassination attempt was anything other than real - it's at the limit of the range of the gun for example, the would-be assassin was seen. 

it is important to understand that trump is just the vehicle for the profound dissatisfaction of many americans for the economic and political situation they find themselves in. nonetheless it has its character because of his character. if he had been shot and killed there would have been rage but it would also have taken time to find a new vehicle but in the end the eventual  republican candidate would probably have been some other scenery chewer. 

and meanwhile in france the will of the people to have marine le pen's party in political power has been frustrated by a popular front of the left with the macronists. the left now become the people who kept macron in.

'the arrival in power of the far-right has only been delayed...' -  secretary general of the CGT sophie binet.  benjamin noted of the last of the last french popular front that there was no real content to it, there was no actual connection with the workers (and here we are again). 

just as here the labour majority (2/3rds of the seats in parliament) is based on 1/3rd of the votes (from the 69% of the registered electorate who actually voted). it is not exactly a crushing mandate even for a labour party that campaigned on a 'we will be competent (but no different)' ticket.  

as horsemouth has remarked, he has headed for the hills already. 

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