Friday 23 August 2024

a wholly written in the morning blogpost and an interesting day

 a wholly written in the morning blogpost.

horsemouth has a slight headache that he is medicating with coffee. 

back on this day in 1788 byng, his wife, her lover windham II and windham's dog  wowski are off to brighton.

'brighton appeared in a fashionably unhappy bustle, with such a harpy set of painted harlots as to appear to me as bad as bond street in the spring...'   

byng will be back in london by the 26th returning through east grinstead and croydon. 

yesterday an interesting day

horsemouth spent it in A&E with his mum. a small slip on the stairs. no major consequences but problematic nonetheless. horsemouth does not drive so the only way to town and the hospital was by ambulance and the only way back was by taxi. 

after that excitement horsemouth sunk a bottle of beer and listened to webb dave's industrial ambient dub type show (it should appear soon in the archive) having posted an album of recordings of his new instrument yesterday. 

today in politics? 

the big news is probably the energy price cap rise. horsemouth thinks his lot are ok - the price rises will be paid for from the old direct debit  figure. of course the not as poor OAPs will lose their winter fuel allowance. 

also to be announced a 10-year formula to calculate social rent rises on homes. rents will increasing every year by CPI plus 1%.

this implicitly removes some of the protections for tenants in high inflation years but it also means the government promises not to  rerun the raid they made on housing association finances by about 5% of rent roll. according to the national housing federation rents are now 15% lower in real terms than they were in 2015. 

given the benefits cap and the continuation of the two child policy how this will actually affect poorer families is above horsemouth's paygrade.

the weather looks good(ish) today. horsemouth will probably travel back to the wen tomorrow and gig in the evening. (there's an argument for him to come back on the monday as well). 

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