Saturday 3 August 2024

'by anticipation, by the present enjoyment and by a record of the past' (a journey to the raingardens)

'I am happy (vain perhaps) in thinking that I enjoy the pleasure of touring as much if not more than most men, and each tour three times over. viz: by anticipation, by the present enjoyment and by a record of the past.' 

- the honourable john byng, tour to the north, conducted 26th may to 17th july 1792. 

'... in footage from the congressional january 6 hearings... jason van tatenhove, a former member of the oath keepers, confirmed that the group’s leader, stewart rhodes, urged then president trump to invoke the insurrection act, promising that veterans would support him....' 

- adrian horton, film review of the documentary war game, guardian 2nd august 2024. 

there is a byng tour conducted in august (his tour into sussex was conducted from the 15th to the 26th) - horsemouth will endeavour to day-to-day the itinerary. 

the kafka diaries will not recommence until september 13th when kafka is given a new diary by his father (of all people - kafka's life and diaries are marked by confrontation with his father). 

while the wanderings of byng on his summer holidays give horsemouth pleasure (he's a harmless old stick if a little grumpy about the service provided in the inns) the possibility that trump could be elected to a second term thus putting him in a position to use the insurrection act to seize power tend to cause horsemouth anxiety.  

horsemouth fills this in on the friday afternoon. he's a little jaded (post beer).

so what is a raingarden? well it is a garden designed to trap rainwater and to allow it to soak away through the earth or be evapourated away by the trees.  this is basically done by embanking the garden and sinking it lower than the surroundings. the raingardens exist in the future where they will be everywhere in the cities helping to make them more flood resilient. 

meanwhile over at the vancouver art gallery they are having an exhibition of  manifestos, zines, copyart, chapbooks and such like based on a previous exhibition at the brooklyn museum and a book.

on the thesis that law abiding folk have nothing to fear

oh dear last night horsemouth watched the footage from sunderland (and then he watched the itv news with charlene). well rioting is good dirty fun boys and girls until you get kettled or battered or arrested and charged. horsemouth doesn't support the cause (racism and xenophobia) he's not even keen on border controls. the racists sometimes chant we want our country back flat or sometimes to the tune of a music hall song (ta ra ra boom de ay). they burnt someone's car. they burnt out a police station. 

at first horsemouth was watching the stream of some young fascist (clearly excited by the various possibilities the night would hold and having a whale of a time). later he watched an aggregator out of portland. two girls wandered round in the aftermath trying to find the action in a more disinterested fashion. it beats watching emmerdale remarked an agreeable dude to the imam who had come out to remonstrate with the crowds (but by then they'd all been kettled).  

probably more today (there's various marches in the major cities).

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