Sunday 8 September 2024

'a dream makes the choice for me' (horsemouth makes an unfortunate discovery)

here the mighty adrian lawrence (official burnt toast) live from rich mix  back in 2010.

spooky things go on in edith piaf''s my life

'I live in a world full of signs and portents and I always take care that I don't ignore the warnings.'

so it is no surprise we get the chapter title a dream makes the choice for me

tomorrow is publication day- the anniversary of horsemouth becoming a published author with his review of jacques attali's relaunched bruits. he will endeavour to write something thoughtful about this. 

meanwhile horsemouth makes an unfortunate discovery that one of his legacy projects has vanished (fairplay there had been a falling out). he has deleted the project from his list of glorious achievements. he may still have it all sitting on disk somewhere (or that too may have gone west in the intervening years). if the disk of it is still around then there will also be an earlier cut of it so events may lead to an increase in the amount of material available. if not (well then not)

here it is rainy and grey but still warmish for the time of year. the weather is currently looking quite hopeful but the forecast says torrential downpours. 

vegetable report

the runner beans are doing well (probably too well), they've had another load of peas (there may be a last small load to be had), the beetroot have done well, the carrots less so, the spinach bolted (again), there's some lettuce still, the leeks are a little underwhelming, the cabbage has recovered from being ravaged by caterpillars, there's some chard, there are tomatoes (despite horsemouth's neglect), there may even be some small peppers (eventually). if horsemouth digs around in the disused vegetable patch he will find some potatoes. they should go and get the damsons some day soon and after that there will be the apples. 

zoom beers with howard

zoom beers with howard (two bottles) discussion of horsemouth's proposed reading - brock's pioneers of the peaceable kingdom and the shakers- two centuries of spiritual reflection. 

some monkeying about with zoom backgrounds as well. 

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