Tuesday 24 September 2024

'I would like, without naming...to speak...'

news people! 

it looks like private landlords may be required to get their properties up to an EPC C by 2030 as well (of course this may cause some of them to sell up reducing the number of rental properties available and thus driving up rents but ho-hum we shall see). 

horsemouth expects to see much wailing and gnashing of teeth about this in the daily torygraph money section. 

wave 3 of the warm homes: social housing fund will open for applications in week commencing 30 september. some guidance is already available. 

yesterday failed printer wrangling (horsemouth had to go for a walk to calm down).

a few days ago a friend participated in a series of 74 readings at the serralves art gallery in honour of the carnation revolution it ended with a reading of the lyrics from moustaki's song  sans la nommer. 

Je voudrais, sans la nommer

Vous parler d'elle

Comme d'une bien-aimée

D'une infidèle

Une fille bien vivante

Qui se réveille

À des lendemains qui chantent

Sous le soleil

C'est elle que l'on matraque

Que l'on poursuit que l'on traque

C'est elle qui se soulève

Qui souffre et se met en grève

C'est elle qu'on emprisonne

Qu'on trahit qu'on abandonne

Qui nous donne envie de vivre

Qui donne envie de la suivre

Jusqu'au bout, jusqu'au bout

or in english (perhaps - horsemouth has slightly improved it from google autotranslate)

'I would like, without naming her,

Tell you about her

Like a beloved

Of an infidel

A Girl Alive and Well

Waking up

To a bright tomorrow

Under the sun

She is the one who is being bludgeoned

who is pursued, who is hunted down

she is the one that rises up

Who suffers and goes on strike

She is the one who is imprisoned

That we betray that we abandon

That makes us want to live

That makes you want to follow her

To the end, to the end...' 

today horsemouth gets the bus to the filling station (to get the newspapers and some bread) and then walks back (hopefully avoiding the rain).  

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